Viewing Boston and the surrounding area through tourist's eyes.


Thanks for hanging in there with me. I haven't had time to post, but I did update the "Coming Attraction" section of my blog. Check it out when you get a change and feel free to add to it via comments.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Benefits of Traveling Where You Live: Revisiting Boston Common and Public Garden

Hey everyone, did you miss me?  I'm sorry for being MIA recently, between finals, commencement, a new work schedule and working on my thesis (the only thing left to finish before I get my MA) blogging got pushed to the end of the to do list - again I am sorry for this I really do appreciate my readers.  I promise I will try to make up for my absence and hope to post weekly (please don't give up on me).

One of the best things about playing a tourist where you live is that you can return to an attraction or location whenever you want.  With the great weather we have been experiencing I find myself more willing to stroll through the city - I recently walked from the Common to Coolidge Corner (I did stop for lunch and a little shopping but it was still a nice walk) - revisiting tourist areas to see what is going on.

Some of my favorite places to revisit are the Common and Public Garden.  You never quite know what you will see, the sounds you will hear or the scents you will smell.  I know I have already written a post on both of these places so instead of writing a bunch I am going to share some recent photos.  Enjoy!

Boston Common Memorial Day Flag Display - 20,000 flags representing the Massachusetts soldiers who have died since WWI in service of our country.

Swans on the pond at the Public Garden

Pretty flowers
(One of these days I am going to use my flower pics to decorate my place.)

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